Levels of Membership

Regular Members join the Exchange in order to utilize our many other services, such as our plan room, website and weekly newsletter.  Regular members are typically involved with the bidding process in some capacity.  Dues for regular members are $520 annually.

Upgraded Members are regular members who utilize our on-line plan room.  These members have the extra benefit of viewing plans and specs online.  Contact us today for pricing and to find out if becoming an upgraded member is right for your company!

Why should I join?

As costs continue to rise, joining the Exchange can actually save you time and money.  Members can look at plans and specifications in our plan room, request copies of what they need, or view everything online!  Why pay for plans to bid a project, when you can stop into the plan room and do your take-offs right here, (or go online and save yourself the trip).  We track projects from the pre-bid stage to contracts awarded, doing everything we can to help our members stay competitive in today's tough market.

Member Benefits

EXCLUSIVE Blue Cross Blue Shield & Blue Care Network Group Medical Insurance Plans

Having trouble balancing a desirable medical plan with ever-increasing premium costs?  Need to attract and retain employee talent in a competitive hiring marketplace?  Want better medical plan options than you have now?

Builders Exchange members are eligible to enroll in several Blue Cross Blue Shield & Blue Care Network of Michigan Group Medical options which provide comprehensive medical insurance and prescription coverage with competitive premium rate pricing.

No matter the size of your group, you have access to BX member exclusive plans and pricing and advocates to help navigate insurance decisions.

  • If you are interested in getting the most out of a Builders Exchange Membership and remaining competitive in a challenging marketplace let our authorized BCBSM / BCN administrator, Salus Group assist you with this or any of your other group benefit needs. If you would like more information or a quote, please call Rodney Welsh at 586-272-2328 or email at rwelsh@thesalusgroup.com.

Social Events

Our annual golf outings at Centennial Acres and The Emerald are a great opportunity for members to relax and enjoy a fun day of golf with others in the construction industry.  In addition to the two golf outings each year, there is also a BBQ in the fall, and a holiday gathering in December.

What's in the Newsletter...

Our newsletter is printed every Friday morning, then e-mailed or mailed out to all regular members.  The newsletter consists of a summary section in the front listing all of the projects out for bid, in alphabetical order by city.  Next, the projects are listed in great detail in bid-date order.  You will find everything from scope of work to where to submit your bid to, with phone and fax numbers listed for your convenience.  Bidders lists are also included when available.  There is a pre-bid section so you will know what projects are in the works, along with an apparent lows and contract awarded section at the back of the newsletter.  We try to include as many details as possible in our newsletter so our members will have all of the information necessary to make an informed bid.

Buyers Guide & Membership Directory

Our guide book is printed at the beginning of every year, then distributed to all regular members.  The book includes a complete directory of all regular members.  All regular members are listed alphabetically, with the option of being listed by classification.  Many organizations depend on our book when searching for specific contractors or services.  It’s a great book to have on hand!

Other Benefits...

  • Web Site:  All regular members are issued an ID and password to access our website.  The site lists all of the projects out for bid, detailed project info, jobs in pre-bid, contracts awarded, bidders lists, directories and much more.
  • On Line Plan Room:  Upgraded members can view plans and specs online, 24 hours a day.  It's a great timesaver!  View last minute addenda without ever leaving your office.  All regular members can sign up for a FREE 2 WEEK TRIAL to check out the online plan room.
  • Copy Service: Blueprints and spec pages can be printed within our office. (Members pricing for any size plans / $3.25 per sheet,     and specs / .20 per page)
  • FTP/Flash Drive Assistance:  Members can bring flash drives or ftp information to the BX staff for assistance in downloading and printing documents.

Signup Today



On the basis of the forgoing information I hearby apply for membership in The Builders Exchange of Lansing and Central Michigan, and I pledge to do all in my power to carry out the objectives of the Exchange as set forth in its By-Laws.

Your membership will be activated upon receipt of your dues payment. You can submit your payment to the Builders Exchange of Lansing, 1240 E. Saginaw St., Lansing, MI 48906. All credit card payments will be assessed a 4.5% processing fee. You can also reach us at 517-372-8930. Thank you for your interest in the Builders Exchange of Lansing.